Sabtu, 24 September 2011

What Happiness Mean~Catatan Seorang Putra

If you're a parent and you think about your children, you absolutely want them to be happy. 

We want children to be joyous, there's no question about it. Make certain that you understand what happiness means. Children seek boundaries. They don't want to just be completely uncontrolled. They don't want to just be looking for where the end is. They want you to set that for them. Children measure their self-worth as a function of how much they're focused on. They measure their self-worth as a function of how much you're willing to invest in their world. They like to be told no. They like to be protected. 

And make sure that if your children are spinning out of control and nothing you're doing seems to make a difference, get some help. Go to your pediatrician. Find out whether you're dealing with a mental illness, whether you've got some type of chemical imbalance, or maybe you just haven't paid attention. Have a plan and see things from your child's point of view. [Henny Marlina]

Lalu yang aku pikirkan saat ini adalah mungkin memang penting untuk mengajari anak untuk berpikir secara sistematis. Contohnya mengajari anak untuk menulis diary. Ya dengan menulis diary mereka akan berlatih untuk mendeskripsikan apa yang sudah mereka lalui dalam hidupnya. Bercerita secara runtun dan kronologis. Step by step. Dalam proses bercerita mereka tidak sengaja akan belajar menguraikan sebab akibat secara teratur (step by step) dan itu menurutku bagus sekali untuk mengasah cara berpikir mereka. Intinya adalah belajar untuk mendeskripsikan. Dan dimulai dari mendeskripsikan dirinya sendiri, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mendeskripsikan entitas-entitas di sekelilingnya.

Dan ini adalah salah satu catatan seorang putra yang menurutku [murni menurut pribadi saya]  menarik+lucu untuk disimak :) 

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