Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Thanks :)

Numerous people have been contributed in several ways to establish the results of my bachelor thesis. I would like take the opportunity to thank them.

First of all, I like to thank Dr. H. Gautama for giving me the opportunity to do this topic. I am deeply grateful to him for being my goeroe, for his guidance and help during the project, for writing the thesis, and for his feedback and advice considering my bachelor thesis. The existence of a better supervisor is quite unthinkable.

It is my pleasure to express my gratitude to Mr. Aidan Elsart Ramadanny-Netherland, Mr. Stefan Kottwitz-German, Mr. Gonzalo Medina-Egypt, for the interesting discussions in LATEX and LYX. Special thanks to Mr.Egreg-Ireland, Mr. Tom Bombadil-UK, Mr. Lock Stept-German and all the http://tex.stackexchange.com community that I do not mention here.

Furthermore, I would also like to thank Mr. Koki Yamamoto-Japan for the interesting discussions in msofficesvn and for help me to solve bug in the add on. Mr. Waluyo Adi Susanto-UTHM, Mr. Irwan susanto-ITB, and Mr. Andreas Febrian-UI for give me ideas and inspiration in template design. I would like to thank Mr. Isroi-Sweden for teach me in Jabref and for some interesting discussion in reference manager.

Moreover, I would like to thank Yoga, Novi, Sabit, Joko, Udin, and all my friends in STIS especial for 4KS that I do not mention here for support, helping, moral encouragement, etc.

I would also like to thank my small family at Cantik Kos : Ratih, Lely, Pipit, Iput, Renny, for understanding and support during my bachelor thesis.

Most of all I would like to thank my mom, dad and brother for providing spiritual support, the prayers, your constant support and enthusiasm. You’re my perfect counterbalance.

Finally, to the One who perfectly demonstrates creative excellence—thank You.

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Semasa Kecil : pernahkah ingin menjadi pengantin dng taksido bertopeng ?

dan akhirnya membentuk keluarga yang harmonis